Glossary of Dog Diseases

Dog Diseases, Short Descriptions

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Malabsorption Syndrome - Inability of the digestive system to absorb nutrients properly. Associated with diarrhea and Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI)
Malabsorption Syndrome - a disease where the intestinal tract does not absorb nutrients properly.
Malocclusion - Dental condition where teeth do not meet correctly, making chewing food difficult.
Mastocytoma - Tumors of mast cells, usually in skin tissue.
Metabolic Bone Disease - Generalized term for any disorder characterized by problems with calcium metabolism and/or bone cell physiology.
Mitral Valve Defect - Any type of abnormality of the mitral valve (controls blood flow between left atrium and left ventricle of the heart). Range from mild to life-threatening.
Mononephrosis - a condition where only one kidney is present.
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia - Abnormality in bone development in the area of the femoral head, which is the normal growth area. Can result in shortened limbs.
Myasthenia Gravis - Autoimmune disease affecting nerves which control voluntary muscles. Produces muscular weakness and often an enlarged esophagus and regurgitation. May be inherited or acquired.
Narcolepsy - Neurological disorder causing sudden transition from wakefulness to deep sleep. Gene carrying this trait has been identified.
Narrow Palpebral Fissure - Abnormally small opening between upper and lower eyelids.
Nasolacrimal puncta atresia - a condition where the holes on the inside of the lower eyelids (puncta) are too small or closed so tears spill over the lid instead of draining to the nose.
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis - Heritable neuronal disease causing lipid deposits in the brain, leading to demetia, blindness, seizures.
Neurotrophic Osteopathy - Bone disease caused by nerve anomalies.
Nodular Panniculitis - Rare skin disorder characterized by painful bumps below the surface of the skin
Oligodendroglioma - Tumor arising from oligodendrocytes, which produce the fatty covering of nerve cells.
Open Fontanel - Condition where the bones (plates) of the skull do not close completely, leaving a soft spot.
Optic Nerve Hypoplasia - Failure of the optic nerves to develop completely during gestation. Results in deficiency of nerve fibers and therefore poor vision.
Osteochondritis Dissecans - Joint disruption caused by separation of articulating bone from cartilage at the joint, usually due to lack of blood supply.
Osteochondrosis - Abnormal thickening of joint cartilage, resulting in dysfunction of the deeper cartilage due to nutritional deprivation. May lead to Osteochondritis Dissecans.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta - Genetic disorder causing weak or deficient collagen, resulting in brittle bones and easy fractures.
Osteopetrosis - Congenital disorder in which bone is formed more rapidly than it is broken down, resulting in overly dense bones. They actually fracture more easily.
Osteosarcoma - Cancer arising from the bone-forming cells, osteoclasts, within bone.
Otitis Externa - Inflammation of the external auditory canal, typically due to infection.
Overshot Jaw - An condition where the upper jaw is longer than the lower. May cause chewing difficulty, as well as damage to the roof of the mouth caused by the lower teeth.
Paralysis of the Facial Nerve - Problems with the facial nerve, which paralyzes or reduces movement in the affected side of the face, and causes drooping
Parosteitis - Inflammation of the tissues surrounding bone.
Parotitis - Inflammation or infection of the parotid salivary gland
Patellar Luxation - Also called Slipped Stifle. Condition in which the patella (knee cap), which normally rides in a central groove of the femur, slips to the side along with the quadiceps tendon. Causes awkward gait, arthritis, eventual lameness. Surgically correctable.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) - Persistence of the fetal structure joining the left pulmornary artery and the aorta, thereby preventing proper curculation of blood through the lungs. Effect determined by size of duct.
Pattern Alopecia - Hair loss (baldness) of areas occuring in a pattern.
Pemphigus - Group of rare autoimmute skin disorders leading to blisters, crusty erosions, and possible itching, pain, and photosensitivity.
Pemphigus Foliaceous - another skin disease caused by autoimmune destruction of tissues.
Periana Fistula - Painful infected tracts in anal tissue, arising from infected sweat glands.
Perianal Adenoma - Tumor of the tissue around the rectum. Typically benign in males. Rarer for females, but more likely to be malignant.
Peripheral Retinal Dystrophy - Retinal disorders affecting photoreceptors or retinal pigment epithelium.
Persistent Hyaloid Artery - Failure of a fetal artery supplying blood to the lens of the eye does not atrophy as it should.
Persistent Pupillary Membrane - Failure of the fetal pupillary membrane to resorb. It covers the pupil in fetal development and if not fully resorbed look like web-like strands.
Persistent Right Aortic Arch (PRAA) - Failure of a fetal blood vessel in the chest to atrophy properly, resulting in restriction of the esophagus and poor growth.
Phosphofructokinase Deficiency - Recessive genetic disease preventing the metabolism of glucose. Causes weakness, low energy, muscle disease, and destruction of red blood cells
Pigmentary Keratitis - Corneal condition characterized by abnormal pigmentation of the cornea. Can cause blindness if untreated.
Pituitary Dwarfism - Decreased bodily growth due to defective production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. May be inherited or due to a pituitary tumor.
Pituitary Dwarfism - Also known as Hyposomatotrophism. Deficiency in growth hormone stimulation by the pituitary gland, resulting in dwarfism.
Pituitary Tumor - A cancer of the pituitary gland.
Platelet Disorders - Any of a group of disorders of platelets, blood cells which are important in clotting. May be a defect in platelets or a drop in platelet count.
Pododermatitis - Infection of the paw.
Polyradiculoneuritis - Inflammation of many nerves and nerve roots, causing fever and fatigue.
Portosystemic Shunt - Abnormal blood vessel formation in or near the liver that results in blood flow bypassing the liver. Buildup of toxins can cause neurological symptoms.
Primary Uterine Inertia - Lack of muscle strength in the uterus necessary for whelping, with no other causative factors.
Progressive Ataxia - Progressive loss of the ability to coordinate muscle movements.
Progressive Neuromuscular Atrophy - a condition where the muscles waste away due to lack of proper nerve supply.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy - Recessive hereditary disorder initially affecting night vision, then eventually all vision.
Prolapsed Rectum - A condition where the rectum rolls out and protrudes through the anus.
Prolapsed Uterus - A condition where the uterus protrudes beyond the cervix into the vaginal canal.
Pseudohermaphrodism - Having internal reproductive organs of one sex, but externally having at least some of the reproductive physical characteristics of the opposite sex.
Pulmonic Stenosis - Some obstruction of blood flow in or near the pulmonic valve, which is between the right ventricle of the heart and the pulmonary artery. Heart has to work harder to pump blood to the lungs.
Pyloric Stenosis - Narrowing of the opening between the stomach and the small intestine. can lead to vomiting, dehydration, malnutrition.
Pyometra - Severe bacterial infection of the uterus and resulting accumulation of pus.
Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency - Recessive inherited deficiency of the red blood cell enzyme pyruvate kinase, which is neseccary for red blood cells to survive a normal length of time. Condition results in lifelong anemia and lethargy.