Tsvetnaya Bolonka Information

Tsvetnaya Bolonka Pictures and Breed Profile

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Tsvetnaya Bolonka

Breed Information
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Tsvetnaya Bolonka

The Tsvetnaya Bolonka At a Glance
Recognized By
Country of Origin
Life Expectancy
13 - 17 yrs 
Height Range
8 - 11 in 
Weight Range
9 - 13 lbs 
Black, brown, gray, all colors allowed with small amt of white. Solid white or large amts of white are disqualification 
Easy to train, more difficult to housebreak as most toy dogs 
With Children
Wonderful with children 
With Animals
They can live with other animals same size or larger 
Must be indoor 
Must be indoor 
Exercise Reqd
Average play 
Grooming Reqd
Weekly brushing is a must. Most are kept in puppy cuts if not shown. Hair is medium and very curly. Not heavy shedders. 
User-Contributed Tsvetnaya Bolonka Photos
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Tsvetnaya Bolonka Pictures
Posted by T from Phx, Az
Tsvetnaya Bolonka Pictures 797
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Posted by T from Phx, Az
Tsvetnaya Bolonka Pictures 798
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Red Bolonka Puppy
Posted by T from Phx, Az
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Posted by Patricia McRae from United States
Tsvetnaya Bolonka Pictures 862
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Pearl running for the gold
Posted by Patricia McRae from United States
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Black Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonk
Tsvetnaya Bolonka Pictures 876
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User-Contributed Tsvetnaya Bolonka Information
Below are user-submitted comments about Tsvetnaya Bolonka behavior, Tsvetnaya Bolonka training, Tsvetnaya Bolonka health, and more. If you have experience with or just an interest in the breed, you can post your comments by clicking the link below!
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Tsvetnaya Bolonka Information
Breed Standard:

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Small, sturdy, balanced dog, slightly longer than height at withers.
The breed appears smart due to the profuse hair.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Length of body slightly longer than height at withers.
Muzzle a little shorter than skull.

BEHAVIOR / TEMPERAMENT: Balanced, lively, Friendly.

HEAD: In proportion with the dog, of medium size.


Skull: Moderately broad, slightly rounded.

Stop: Pronounced.


Nose: Not protruding. Black or in harmony with the different colors of coat.

Muzzle: Lean, straight, a little shorter than the skull, slightly tapered to the nose.

Lips: Tight.

Jaws / Teeth: A Scissors bite is desirable. Level bite is admitted.
Slight undershot is tolerated.

Eyes: Of medium size, roundish, dark brown or hazel colored, set a little obliquely.
Eyelids are thin, lean, tight, eye rims black or in harmony with the different colors
of coat.

Ears: Small, set on high, carried drooping or folded, the tips of the ear are closed
to the skull.

NECK: Of medium length, lean, carried high.

BODY: Compact.

Withers: moderately developed.

Back: Straight, strong, broad, well muscled.

Loins: Short, slightly arched.

Croup: Broad, a little bit slanting.

Chest: Deep, moderately broad, oval shaped.

Belly: Slightly tucked up.

Tail: Of medium length, set on high, carried gaily with curve over back to
either side.


FOREQUARTERS: Seen from front, the front legs are straight, vertical and parallel,
in good proportion and of good length in relation to the body

Shoulders: The angle at the shoulders joint varies between 90 degrees and 110 degrees.

Elbows: Turned neither in or out.

Pasterns: Strong almost upright.

HINDQUARTERS: Seen from the back, the hindlegs are straight and parallel, set a little
bit wider than the forequarters. Angulation of the rear limb must be such as to produce
a level back.

FEET: Small, arched, tight, slightly oval shaped.

GAIT / MOVEMENT: light, free.


HAIR: Dense, thick, prose, silky, soft and supple, forming large curls or very wavy.
Large curls are referred. Undercoat well developed. Not forming a parting of the back.
Head has well-developed beard and moustaches.

COLOR: Any colors overall except white: black, black and tan, brown, brown and tan,
gray (wolf, silver), red, fawn, cream, saddle, brindle. A little white on the forechest and / or
toes is tolerated.

SIZE: Desirable height at withers 24-26 cm.

FAULTS: Any departure from the forgoing point should be considered a fault and the
Seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should in exact proportion to its


* Overshot.

* Highly pronounced undershot.

* White markings more 20% of surface overall.
* Lack of beard and moustaches.

* Tailless, short tail.

N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into
the scrotum.

Tsvetnaya Bolonka Common Health Screenings
The following health screenings are often performed by responsible Tsvetnaya Bolonka breeders:

CERF Screening (Canine Eye Research Foundation)
Patellar Luxation Test - OFA

Tsvetnaya Bolonka Health Issues
The following conditions may be a concern in the Tsvetnaya Bolonka: