Norwich Terrier Information

Norwich Terrier Pictures and Breed Profile

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Norwich Terrier

Breed Information
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Dog Breeds

Norwich Terrier

The Norwich Terrier At a Glance
Recognized By
Country of Origin
Great Britain 
Life Expectancy
12 - 14 yrs 
Height Range
10 in 
Weight Range
11 - 12 lbs 
Wheaten, red, black/tan, or grizzle 
Clever, intelligent dog; can be trainable if you can hold his attention and be consistent 
With Children
Very good 
With Animals
Tolerates cold well 
Either, as long as he is allowed plenty of activity and mental stimulation, and places to dig 
Exercise Reqd
Enjoys activity but is more driven by curiosity 
Grooming Reqd
Occasional brushing, professional stripping twice a year 
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User-Contributed Norwich Terrier Information
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Norwich Terrier Information

Norwich Terrier Health Issues
The following conditions occur with greater than average frequency in the Norwich Terrier: