Cardigan Welsh Corgi Information

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Pictures and Breed Profile

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Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Breed Information
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Dog Breeds

Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Picture
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi At a Glance
Recognized By
Country of Origin
Great Britain 
Life Expectancy
12 - 14 yrs 
Height Range
10 - 12 in 
Weight Range
25 - 30 lbs 
Very good; eager to learn 
With Children
Generally good if raised with them 
With Animals
Does well with similar dogs if raised with them; can be aggressive to cats 
Either, as long as there is activity 
Exercise Reqd
High; needs plenty of human interaction 
Grooming Reqd
Occasional brushing 
User-Contributed Cardigan Welsh Corgi Photos
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User-Contributed Cardigan Welsh Corgi Information
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Cardigan Welsh Corgi Information

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Common Health Screenings
The following health screenings are often performed by responsible Cardigan Welsh Corgi breeders:

CERF Screening (Canine Eye Research Foundation)
Patellar Luxation Test - OFA
Progressing Retinal Atrophy (genetic test)

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Health Issues