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Samben Golden Retrievers

Breed:   Golden Retriever   |   Member Since 6/28/2015
The application below has been created and posted by this member, and when this application is completed, the answers are submitted only to this member, and this member may choose to respond at his/her discretion. does not review any completed applications.
Please take a few moments to complete this questionnaire. I find it helps focus our discussion when we do talk, and it is all too easy otherwise for us to neglect to cover some of these basic points when we have so many topics to discuss.
Contact Information
Phone Number
Have you had a Golden Retriever before? Any other type of dog(s) before? If so, please describe the dog(s) and what happened to them.
Is there a particular reason you are looking for a Golden Retriever puppy now? If so, what is that reason, please.
What are you looking for in a Golden Retriever? Are there specific physical traits or other characteristics? Please explain.
What are the names and ages of the people (adults and children) who will live in the home with the puppy.
Are you looking for an indoor or outdoor dog? Please describe the environment where the dog will be kept.
Do you have any other pets in your house? If so, what are they?
Do you own or rent your home. If a house, is your yard fenced? Do you have a pool?
Are you willing to agree to have your dog spayed or neutered by the time it is eighteen (18) months old?
Are you willing to allow a home visit before you receive your puppy? If not, please explain why not.
Please add any further information that you believe may help you (and me) determine whether this is potentially a good match.