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Aleutian Siberians

Breed:   Siberian Husky   |   Member Since 3/22/2011
The application below has been created and posted by this member, and when this application is completed, the answers are submitted only to this member, and this member may choose to respond at his/her discretion. does not review any completed applications.
Please take the time to answer the questions listed here which will help me get to know you.
Contact Information
Phone Number
What reference materials have you read?
How many dogs of this breed are you acquainted with?
Type of dwelling: House, condo, apartment, mobile home?
Are you renting?
Yes      No
If renting, please give name and address of landlord.
Name, address and phone number of your veterinarian
List the address and phone numbers of three personal references.
Who will be the primary care giver?
Where will the puppy be kept during the night?
Where will the puppy be kept during the day
Is anyone home during the day?
How many hours on the average will the puppy be left alone?
Will there be someone available to feed and exercise the puppy during the day?
Have you ever owned a dog before?
Yes      No
Do you have any other animals living with you now and if so what kind and how old?
Do you have children? If so, how old?
Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals?
If yes, to what and how severe?
Are you interested in a male or female puppy?
At what age do you wish to get the puppy?
Have you considered an older dog instead of a puppy?
Yes      No
Why have you decided on buying a Siberian Husky?
What do you expect the activity level of this breed to be: very high, high, moderate, below average?
What kind of floor surfaces will the dog be on in the house?
How many hours a day will the puppy be kept outside?
How will he be confined when he is outside?
Do you have a fenced yard and suitable kennel?
Have you ever house trained a dog before?
Yes      No
How long have you lived at this address?
Will you be attending any training classes?
Yes      No
Have you ever returned a pet to the breeder? If so, what were the circumstances?
Have you ever given a pet away? If so, what were the circumstances?
Have you ever taken a pet to a shelter? If so, what were the circumstances?
Are you interested in entering your pup in competitions such as obedience, conformation, or agility.
Yes      No
If so which competition?