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Dragonward Miniature Schnauzers

Breed:   Miniature Schnauzer   |   Member Since 10/11/2004
Location San Clemente, CA
Contact Marilyn Ward
Phone 855-472-4628
Website Click to visit member's website
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Health Guarantee
The health guarantee shown is posted by this member. It is not, nor does it imply, a guarantee by, an endorsement by of this guarantee, or any verification of this guarantee by The breeder listed is solely responsible for the content and satisfaction of this guarantee. For your protection, recommends obtaining a printed, signed copy of any health guarantee.

My guarantees are a combination of three separate guarantees.
1st: 100% Money back Guarantee for Genetic Health for the Life of the dog!
This guarantee is without any loopholes of any kind! The only requirement is that the family has veterinary tests proving the dog has a Health/Life Threatening Genetic Disorder! You do not have to return the pup/dog to me to receive your money back!
You also don't have any other requirements to meet. You don't buy vitamins or dog food from me to have the guarantee, Nothing more at all. Be very suspicious of any such requirements for a Genetic Health Guarantee. I mean really! Are there any vitamins or dog food anywhere that cures or staves off a genetic disorder? NO, so why are breeders linking the length of time they give their health guarantees to your purchasing their food or vitamins?
2nd: 100% Money Back Guarantee for Satisfaction!
If within a reasonable amount of time (I consider 2 weeks reasonable), you are not happy with my puppy or dog for ANY reason, including No reason at all. I will accept the pup back and refund ALL of your purchase price!
3rd: I am my own rescue! In the event you don't wish to keep the dog or Can't keep the dog after the 2nd guarantee is no longer valid. Even after years!
If for some reason you are unable to keep your older pup or dog, or just don't wish to anymore. You are required to contact me first. If you have a qualified person you wish to give the dog to, I will willingly allow it, but if you don't have a home for him/her, then I will post a page on my website showcasing the dog for people to contact me and go through the same extensive interview process and placing process I take with my puppies! When I find a qualified new family, I will accept payment for the dog and pass that FULL payment on to the prior family. I keep NONE of the purchase price. The prior family will choose what to ask for the pup, up to the original purchase price. In most cases, dogs up to two years old, have sold to their new homes for the original full price. In one case, the first family opted to lower the price to find a quick home for the dog.
I also will give the new family the same purchase agreement and guarantees as my puppies get.