Whippet Questions

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Whippet Questions

A Visitor asked the following question on 12/1/2005
We recently rescued a dog that very much looks like a whippet. However, some of the characteristics are different. She has the markings of a doberman or a rottweiler. also the occassional temperment (snapping, growling with food or toys to other dogs and children) of an aggressive dog. do the full breeds have any of these characteristics?

Date Reply Member
12/30/05 Odds are very slim that your dog is a purebred Whippets, based primarily on it's color. Whippets generally do NOT come in black with tan points, so my guess is your dog is crossed with one of the breeds you mention. As for snapping, growling, thing, Whippets are generally very docile and non-agressive, so again I'd say your dog is not a Whippet. Best of luck with your dog. Mary Alderman, JAAMA Kennels, Reg., malderman@jaamawhippets.com Mary