Neapolitan Mastiff Questions

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Neapolitan Mastiff

Neapolitan Mastiff Questions

A Visitor asked the following question on 6/7/2007
How common is it for neo mastiff's to have this? How can it be prevented? I had a neo blue mastiff die from it at the age of 17 months and I am so devastated. We have another who is 5 months old and I want to protect him from getting it. Are there any other health problems that are rare that I need to know about?

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8/14/07 Intussception is a smll bowel issue that requires either surgical intervention or can rarely self cure. This is not very common in any breed of dog just as it is not common in humans. I can honestly say the only thing that I know that could help prevent any such is making sure to feed appropriately, and limit playtime after meals. Every animal is suseptible to contract the same problems humans do ie, cancer, thyroid issues, or any other medical rarity. All you can do is be sure to take your baby to the vet and keep close watch on the behaviors and if any changes occur let your veterinarian know. MaryAnn
Carino Mastinos