My Siberian Husky Kennels (Puppy Palace) Application
~MY SIBERIAN HUSKY KENNELS PUPPY APPLICATION FORM~ If you're interested in one of our puppies, please fill out this form. I am very careful about placing my puppies in responsible, educated homes, so here are some questions that will help me get to know more about you. I hope you will agree that the animal's welfare must be my foremost consideration in considering a placement.
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Answer the following questions and click Done when finished
(Questions marked with an asterisk * are required)
* Type of dwelling: house, condo, apartment, mobile home?
* Referred by:
* Have you ever owned a dog before?
Yes llllllll No
* Who will be the primary care giver? Age?
* Do you have any other pets?
* Do you have any children? If yes, what are their ages
* Have you ever owned a Siberian Husky before? If not, have you researched the breed?
Yes llllllll No
* will your new puppy be an inside or outside dog? or both
* What are your reasons for wanting a Siberian Husky? (Show dog, pet, obedience, sled racing..etc.)
* Do you have a fenced yard?
Yes llllllll No
* Have you ever return a pet to the breeder? If so, what were the circumstances?
* Have you ever taken a pet to a pound or shelter? If so, Why?
* Where will the puppy be kept during the night?
* Where will the puppy be kept during the day?
* Is anyone home during the day?
* How many hours on the average will the puppy be left alone?
* Will there be someone available to feed and exercise the puppy during the day?
* Do you intend to breed the dog?
* Would you like Full or Limited registraion?
* Do you understand the difference between a Limited and full registration?
Yes llllllll No
* Are you interested in a Male or Female?
* Have you considered getting and older dog instead of a puppy?
* Are you willing to take responsibility for this dog for the next 10 - 15 years?
* Does your puppy need to be shipped?
Whose litter are you most interested in?
* If puppies are already born, which specific puppy are you most interested in?
Al though we DO NOT Breed for eye or coat color we would like to know your preferences.
Prefered coat color?~~~Please specify a second choice
Prefered eye color?~~~Please specify a second choice
* Where are you located?
* Are you a breeder? if so how many dogs do you have and what is your website?
When would you like to add this new puppy/dog to your family?

We appreciate your responses, And will process them ASAP. All your responses and information are kept confidential.

* Veterinarian Name and phone number?
* Please provide us your email and phone number one more time. ( DO NOT COPY AND PASTE )

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