Countryside Kennels Application
This is a puppy application for Countryside Kennels. Here at Countryside Kennels we are very careful about placing our puppies in responsible, loving homes. The following questions have been put together to help us get to know a little about you and for us to find the best puppy to suite you and your family.
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Answer the following questions and click Done when finished
(Questions marked with an asterisk * are required)
* Have you ever owned a puppy?
Yes llllllll No
* Do you have any children? If yes, what are their ages?
* What type of personality would you like your puppy to have?
* Do you own any other animals?
* Where do you plan to keep your new puppy?
* Do you know what you need before bringing your new puppy home?
Yes llllllll No
* Do you currently have a Veterinarian? If not you will need to find a Veterinarian prior to bringing your puppy home.
Please use this space to give us information that you feel would be helpful to us in choosing the puppy to best suite you and your family.
* Do you have a gender preference?

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